If you’re a coach wondering why your marketing strategy isn’t bringing in clients despite all your effort, you might make one of these five critical mistakes. (To watch the video version please click above to be directed to YouTube).
Every day I see people wondering why their course isn’t selling or why their offers aren’t getting any traffic and the key is in their marketing strategy. I listed the mistakes below, but if you want a full lesson with my thoughts, watch the video to learn more.
Mistake #1: Targeting Everyone
Mistake #2: Focusing on features, not transformation
Mistake #3: Inconsistent marketing presence
Mistake #4: Neglecting the follow-up
Mistake #5: Selling the session, not the outcome
Read the previous blog, “5 Ways a Personalized Content Calendar Can Transform Your Small Business Content Strategy.”
BOOK A MARKETING INTENSIVE WITH ME: https://brandandmarketingwithamanda.kit.com/products/marketingintensive
BOOK AN EMAIL AUTOMATION POWER DAY WITH ME: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGhFrLNzu8/tV9SE7lew9FdalUSmmRvWw/edit?utm_content=DAGhFrLNzu8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton