Disclaimer: If you want to learn how to market yourself on social media please remember it is just ONE marketing piece.
In other words, don’t forget that networking in-person, cold outreach, and being featured on podcasts and blogs are still effective in getting your name out there.
I think too many people are putting all their eggs in one basket.
Plus in-person networking is still great for meeting people and marketing your business or doing warm prospecting through emails.
Now in this blog post, you will learn the importance of personal branding in social media and how to market yourself online.
So you want to learn how to market yourself on social media? Please note that the people online might be different than the other clients you meet in-person or from a referral.
For example, if you sell web design for health coaches on social media but when you network in-person you just market your design services to anyone you have a connection with, that is fine.
With social media, you only have 5 minutes to drive someone’s curiosity to follow you.
So it is fine if they follow you because they are a health coach but then they see your stories and you post the website you made for a donut store because that is them getting to know you.
Now write a list of their top goals, fears, and pains. Then create content that speaks to those points.
What offers will you choose to promote on social? Where are you leading your audience? For example, are you leading them to your blog, YouTube channel, or podcast? These goals are so important so that you know what action they are taking next with you. Remember to always have your goals in mind. The top two that should always be at the forefront is what are your offers and where are you driving your audience to. That’s it! Make is simple.
SO many people get this part wrong because they are listening to the wrong people. Instead of posting on Instagram just because everyone is on there. Pick a platform you actually enjoy because then you will stay consistent and want to engage on that platform. For instance, if you like using Facebook then use that platform. Ultimately, your client is probably using every social platform at one point or another in the day.
The second part is more of a business step depending if you are thinking about longevity. Invest in search platforms like YouTube or Pinterest.
I am always telling my clients invest in Instagram for community and then search like YouTube or Pinterest. Leveraging only one platform is a recipe for disaster. Because you will constantly have to be posting on Instagram to drive engagement. And you want be leveraging search marketing like YouTube or Pinterest.
This is where it gets interesting! Yay!
So now that you understand the audience + goals + platforms, now it’s time to create your funnel.
Essentially if you want to learn how to market yourself on social media, but you are really driving them to a funnel so they can buy from you.
After they find you on social, I would send them to your email list or a blog. But some people send their traffic to a FB group or a YouTube channel. It really depends on what you are selling and how much they need more information about your product or service.
Quick note: You can use social media to drive traffic to your blog and email list. Example one week a blog and the next week send them to your email freebie. This is just a visual guide so you get an idea.
Here’s what yours will look like:
The point is people discover you on social media but they need more information. SO they will go to your email list, blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to discover more about your product or service.
Get more details here in this blog post.
Now comes to the fun part, and where you will spend more than 70% of your time. My best tip is to break it down. If you are going to create a podcast and you need a script anyway, you might as well write a blog post and then say everything on a podcast. Then you can leverage that blog post on Pinterest and then link to the podcast in the post.
My biggest thing is to start with long-form content first like a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel and then use a snippet on social media.
Then your Instagram content will help you to build your community.
So try this:
✅ Growth – POV, memes, trendy content, quote
✅ Sales – About your offers, benefits, analytical content
✅ Brand – why are you unique, what are your values
I would stick to Monday’s your day to post the growth content, Tuesday for sales content, and Wednesday for brand content. Because if you post only growth content in a week then you might not get any traffic to your website. And if you are only talking about your business, no one will engage with your content.
So try this out for a week and tell me how it goes.
Get more ideas about content that attracts, nurtures, and sells here.
You just have to start somewhere. If you are just creating Instagram content that is great. But make sure you have long-form content too like we talked about. The biggest thing is to understand your audience, set clear goals, and be on the right platforms. Start there first then think about your funnel and content.
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